George Will wrote in the Washington Post:
We know, because they often say so, that those who think catastrophic global warming is
probable and perhaps imminent are exemplary empiricists. They say those who disagree
with them are “climate change deniers” disrespectful of science.
Actually, however, something about which everyone can agree is that of course the climate
is changing — it always is. And if climate Cassandras are as conscientious as they claim to
be about weighing evidence, how do they accommodate historical evidence of enormously
consequential episodes of climate change not produced by human activity? Before
wagering vast wealth and curtailments of liberty on correcting the climate, two recent
books should be considered.
In “The Third Horseman: Climate Change and the Great Famine
of the 14th Century,” William Rosen explains how Europe’s
“most widespread and destructive famine” was the result of “an
almost incomprehensibly complicated mixture of climate,
commerce, and conflict, four centuries in gestation.” Early in
that century, 10 percent of the population from the Atlantic to
the Urals died, partly because of the effect of climate change on
By George F. Will Opinion writer January 7
George F. Will writes a twiceweekly
column on politics and
domestic and foreign affairs.
He began his column with The
Post in 1974, and he received
the Pulitzer Prize for
Commentary in 1977. He is
also a contributor to FOX
News’ daytime and primetime
programming. View Archive“the incredible amalgam of molecules that comprises a few
inches of soil that produces the world’s food.”
In the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), from the end of the ninth
century to the beginning of the 14th, the Northern Hemisphere was warmer than at any
time in the past 8,000 years — for reasons concerning which there is no consensus.
Warming increased the amount of arable land — there were vineyards in northern
England — leading, Rosen says, to Europe’s “first sustained population increase since the
fall of the Roman Empire.” The need for land on which to grow cereals drove
deforestation. The MWP population explosion gave rise to towns, textile manufacturing
and new wealthy classes.
Then, near the end of the MWP, came the severe winters of 13091312, when polar bears
could walk from Greenland to Iceland on pack ice. In 1315 there was rain for perhaps 155
consecutive days, washing away topsoil. Upwards of half the arable land in much of
Europe was gone; cannibalism arrived as parents ate children. Corpses hanging from
gallows were devoured.
Human behavior did not cause this climate change. Instead, climate warming caused
behavioral change (10 million mouths to feed became 30 million). Then climate cooling
caused social changes (rebelliousness and bellicosity) that amplified the consequences of
climate, a pattern repeated four centuries later.
In “Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century,”
Geoffrey Parker, a history professor at Ohio State University, explains how a “fatal
synergy” between climatological and political factors produced turmoil from Europe to
China. What he calls “the placenta of the crisis” of that century included the Little Ice Age
(LIA), between the 1640s and the 1690s. Unusual weather, protracted enough to qualify as
a change in climate, correlated so strongly with political upheavals as to constitute
Whatever caused the LIA — decreased sunspot activity and increased seismic activity were
important factors — it caused, among other horrific things, “stunting” that, Parker says,
“reduced the average height of those born in 1675, the ‘year without a summer,’ or during
the years of cold and famine in the early 1690s, to only 63 inches: the lowest ever
In northerly latitudes, Parker says, each decline of 0.5 degrees Celsius in the mean
summer temperature “decreases the number of days on which crops ripen by 10 percent,
doubles the risk of a single harvest failure, and increases the risk of a double failure
sixfold,” For those farming at least 1,000 feet above sea level, this temperature decline
“increases the chance of two consecutive failures a hundredfold.”
The flight from abandoned farms to cities produced the “urban graveyard effect,” crises of
disease, nutrition, water, sanitation, housing, fire, crime, abortion, infanticide, marriages
forgone and suicide. Given the ubiquity of desperation, it is not surprising that more wars
took place during the 17thcentury crisis “than in any other era before the Second World
By documenting the appalling consequences of two climate changes, Rosen and Parker
validate wariness about behaviors that might cause changes. The last 12 of Parker’s 712
pages of text deliver a scalding exhortation to be alarmed about what he considers
preventable global warming. Neither book, however, supports those who believe human
behavior is the sovereign or even primary disrupter of climate normality, whatever that
might be. With the hands that today’s climate Cassandras are not using to pat themselves
on the back for their virtuous empiricism, they should pick up such books.
Read more from George F. Will’s archive or follow him on Facebook.
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